Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The Patriot Pretender

Founder of the Council of Canadians, a few degrees to his name, an author, writer, and economist, Mel Hurtig spends his time bashing Conservative Canadians, & Americans. You would think that Mel Hurtig & the organization he started would spend more time improving Canada by fighting poverty, & advocating for government reform. However Mr. Hutag & his Council of Canadian thugs have had their evil eye on America for sometime blaming Canadian problems on Americans rather then looking into a mirror at ourselves. Mr. Hurtig's most recent report accused Stephen Harper of committing treason by working with President George W. Bush forcing Canadians into a contiental union with the United States & Mexico. However yet again Mr. Hurtig seems to waste his time claiming that President Bush wants to annex Canada despite the fact there are talks about securing both the Canadian & Mexican borders.

Looking through a time machine when Jean Chrietien & the Liberal Party heald power, was it not John Manley who was appointed by the current Prime Minister to work with the American government to bring Canada closer to the United States? Mr. Hurtig seems to ignore the fact that despite Mulroneys plan of NAFTA creating free trade, it was the Liberals who further intergrated Canada with the United States & Mexico. Looking further back to be fair with Mr. Bush the Democrats under Bill Clinton heald strong ties with Canada's Liberals, & both worked out the early process towards the so called North American Union idea.
Mr. Hurtig seems to be nothing but one of the Liberal Parties mouthpiece, it becomes obvious when he advocates using portions of the Canadian Constitution by claiming that Harper & the Conservatives should be removed from power via executive order of Queen Elizabeth /and/or Governor General Adrian Clarkson. (see article)
Pathetic! Mr. Hurtig has a deep hatred of Americans however if the issue was about forcing Canada into a union with a stronger monarch under the clutches of Great Britian, Mel Hurtig would waste no time selling out Canada's independence in a heart beat. Mr. Hurtig is no friend of Canada, nor is he a patriot, he's a backward loyalist from the Revolutionary era. Mr. Hurtig should issue an apology to all Americans & Canadian Conservatives, but I highly doubt it!

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