Sunday, December 31, 2006


Original Article: May 1, 2006
Edited for United North America: December 31, 2006
OK folks I admit I believe in the progression of society however the left have labelled me as regressive because I do not believe in their way as the Newspeak Dictionary of Liberalism concludes. And the reason why I am regressive; because I'm a border line so-con, which is an unfair assertion of Conservatives. So as a Conservative I support the progression of society by eliminating poverty, political reform, and I support the democratic union of nations, I look towards the stars to colonize new worlds, & I dream of the day when the world can come together in peace and evolve into a great civilization where thought can be logical with a greater understanding of the universe. However I don't view social programs, the excessive social change the Liberals want to enforce infringing on our liberties, & their version of a New World Order which democracy has no place.
But really is not a progressive someone who supports the progression of technology, and how society is run. After all it's only human nature to want change, or in many other scenerio's it can also mean protectorism. Look at Stephen Harper for example; the Liberals call him regressive because he does not support gay marriage, & the national daycare program. Harper believes in small government or at least I hope so, and hopefully as our society evolves beyond the hatred of the past; Canadians can begin the process of union with the United States & eventually the world of looking forward. But I guess only the Liberal progressive way is the only term that exists in today's Newspeak after all everything the Conservatives do is wrong and backward. From my understanding of regressive is that they look into the past and don't look forward.
So how is drug legalization progressive? That's something I can't get my heard around? After all substance abuse made against the law is a new concept, looking a mere couple of hundred years back smoking dope morons were allowed to smoke publicly, and anyone heard of the Opium Wars? Hello drug regulation and illegalization is a new concept, would not this be a regressive ideal? The same thing can be said about progressive religious values where the Bible's views are considered hate propaganda. And yet why is it that during the time of Christianity like no other civilized religion stability was introduced where man had a set of laws to follow. Before the ten commandments society was out of control, but as Liberals want to turn religion upside down; cities that value Liberalism are decaying into regressive area's showing traits of increasing violence with the resurgence of murder, rape, and robbery.
I guess that must be progress if you like big government, as history proves the ruling elites of the past such as the governing Kings, Emperors, and Dictators all had big governments. And as we are seeing today more big governments, tell me why are we regressing towards big government and not progressing to the American way of decentralization? It's far beyond me how Liberals think they are the progressives, but oh well I guess the left no capacity to realize just how backward they got it.

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