Many folks who have visited Jonathan Wheeler’s “ United North America” often have mis conceptions of the idea of North American unification. Mr. Wheeler has tried to push the UNA agenda on both sides of the Canadian & American border through local media sources on the radio & even an interview on television. I have personnel communication via Microsoft Messenger, & admittedly I had some of my own mis conceptions on the idea of United North America. Let me explain some of the mis conceptions both Americans & Canadians do have which seem to be relevant to the subject:
• UNA Supports the annexation of Canada into the union of the United States of America
• UNA is a Conservative agenda absorbing Canada as part of the right wing conspiracy
• UNA is about getting Canada out of the Commonwealth & dumping the monarchy
• UNA supports the proposed North American Union
All are untrue however to explain our position clearly:
1) UNA Supports the annexation of Canada into the Union of the United States of America
the following statement is untrue, though the site of United North America sounds like annexation the ideals Mr. Wheeler relates to the idea of a merger of Canada & the United States. UNA does not support annexation, when we talk about the idea we would be advocating that Canadians have no say, however that is not the intent of the movement, what we advocate for is giving the deserved amount of say as the population ratio dictates. Currently; Canada has only 10% of the combined population which is rather unfortunate, however using democracy as the model of the future model of a United North America it’s clear that the agenda of the movement must not only advocate for giving the population more say how the new union should be shaped. Part of our agenda is to displace the elites of both Canada & the United States, though we don’t support preventing elitists from running, it’s clear that the future model of governance must reflect the common man. That means that any future government must not be run strictly by a doctor, a lawyer, or a General, but by a farmer, a laborer, & a Private.
2) UNA is a Conservative agenda absorbing Canada as part of the right wing conspiracy
while many Liberals may lay claim that Conservatives want Canada to bring American Conservative values to Canadians, this is often to be unfounded. In reality there are Liberals who support the idea on both sides of the border, though it’s true that the vast majority on the Canadian side of the border that support United North America are Conservative, however looking at the monarchy issue the majority of supporters of that institution tend to lean right. Though there are more Liberals closed to the idea of United North America, coincidently they are also among the most pro Republican supporters in Canada; go figure!
3) UNA is about getting Canada out of the Commonwealth & dumping the monarchy
though there is no love lost over the monarchy, the idea is about simple economics, cultural similarities, common history, geographic location, & better governance.
4) UNA supports the proposed North American Union
UNA does not support the undemocratic North America Union proposed by North American elites. UNA supporters for the most part view the plan as means by the elites to gain power without the concession of the people of North America. Secondly Mexico is a poor country with too much corruption, which is consequently; far less developed. Under the plan of the North American Free Trade Zone Agreement leaning to the North American Union both Canadians, & Americans would be forced to pay equalization to bring Mexico up to par economically. The Transfer payment scheme already exists in Canada, & UNA supporters know the effects all to clearly, it’s our desire to end disparity, not to continue it, therefore it’s our position to completely oppose equalization in any form. Self sufficient economies are the way to go.
We here at United North America want an alternative plan to the current border which makes Canadians & Americans divisible, we acknowledge that such a plan to unify the continent is extremely difficult. However the supporters of United North America view this opportunity as worth while fight in order to bring the eventual unification of the world under a democratic government not run by the global elitists, but by the common man, you & me. So it’s no coincidence that UNA should serve as the model for many years to come.
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